愛知県 日本のほぼ中心にある愛知県は、長い歴史を通して東西南北の要所として栄えました。温暖な気候で知られ、太平洋と緑の山々に囲まれた豊かな地域です。歴史的・文化的資産に恵まれ、繊維産業や窯業、自動車産業、航空宇宙産業といった多くの製造業の中心地でもあります。 愛・地球博が「自然の叡智(えいち)」をテーマに2005年3月25日から185日間開催され、中部国際空港“セントレア”も開港し、ますます活発化していくことでしょう。 Aichi Ideally located near the center of, Aichi has prospered as a corridor between the East, West, North and South throughout its history. Known for its very mild climate, it is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on its east and south, and by green mountains island. Rich in historical sites and cultural assets, Aichi is the base of many industries ranging from textile to ceramics to automobiles (represented by Toyota Motors whose main operation is in Aichi's Toyota City) to the aerospace industry. EXPO 2005, the World’s Fair whose theme is “Nature’s Wisdom”, will begin in Aichi on March 25, 2005, and will continue to September 25, 2005.A new international airport, the Central Japan International Airport, will be opened in 2005. 岐阜県 山や川など豊かな自然に恵まれた地域で、北部の飛騨地域は標高3,000mを超える山々が連なり、南部の美濃地域は木曽三川が流れ、特に長良川中流域は「日本の名水百選」に選ばれるほど美しい清流です。岐阜で知られるのは関の刃物や鵜飼い。この他、歴史文化の息づく街飛騨高山では合掌造りの家や豪華な山車祭りなどが有名で、美濃地域では美濃焼き・美濃和紙が有名です。 Gifu A completely landlocked prefecture, has a varied landform beginning at sea level in the beautiful southern riverside area and rising to over 9,000 feet in the extreme mountain areas of the north. Located at the exact center of Japan, its nickname is “The Heart of Japan.”When one thinks of Gifu, sword-making and cormorant fishing come to mind. The Hida area in the mountain district is known for cultural features, such as the Gassho style houses and beautiful festivals. The Mino area in the riverside district is known for its famous pottery (Minoyaki) and Japanese paper-making. There are two national parks and many natural parks in Gifu hat make it an enchanting and still unspoiled place for anyone who appreciates nature. 三重県 京都や奈良に近い三重の歴史は古く、2000年の歴史を有する伊勢神宮には昔から多くの人が訪れ、歴史文化の豊かな地域です。例えば三重の北西部伊賀は忍者発祥の地で、俳句の松尾芭蕉の出身地でもあります。多くの自然公園を有し、海・山・川の大自然が四季折々の多彩な表情で訪れる人を楽しませてくれます。 Mie Situated just to the east and south of Aichi Prefecture across less Bay, Mie Prefecture has two national parks, two quasi-national parks. There national and natural parks account for 35.4% of the total area of the prefecture. Perhaps the most famous land mark in Mie is the les grand Shrine, one of the greaest shrines of Japan, dating back 2,000 years. The sacred complexes of the Jingu (Shrine) are rebuilt every 20 years. Mie is also known as the birthplace of the ninja (secret agents, often fired as assassins) and the home of the most famous haiku master, Matsuo Basho. |
愛知県 Aichi |
名古屋 Nagoya |
「東海地域の中心日本の元気都市」 強い製造業が経済的に取り上げられるだけでなく、名古屋嬢・名古屋名物などでも近年メディアに注目されている、日本の元気都市名古屋では伝統工芸の有松絞りから人型ロボットまで、幅広いものづくりをテーマに分科会を行ないます。 A thriving city in the heart of Tokai (east central Japan) Nagoya has been in the media a lot in recent years, not only because of its strong manufacturing industry but because of its special products as well. The local session here will focus on the wide range of crafts which originate in this thriving city, from traditional handicrafts to artificial robots. |
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犬山 Inuyama |
「木曾川の流れに古城が映える-歴史と自然が融合する街」 まちづくりや観光、教育の分野でも注目される犬山市では、国宝犬山城や博物館明治村、木曽川の鵜飼いなど犬山の豊かな歴史文化と自然を体験していただきます。 See a castle reflected in the Kiso river in this town of history and nature. In Inuyama, a town known for tourism and education, you can experience the rich history and beautiful nature of this town as well as visit Inuyama Castle a national treasure, and Meiji Mura, a museum-cum-theme park. There will also be a chance to go cormorant fishing on the Kiso river. |
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半田 Handa |
世界中でもポピュラーな料理となっているお寿司。現在の寿司の発祥の地半田で、江戸時代の復元寿司「尾州早すし」や、健康食品としても注目されるお酢をテーマに分科会を行ないます。 A port town where the culture of Japanese cuisine flourishes, especially vinegar and sushi. Sushi has gained worldwide popularity. In Handa, the birthplace of sushi, the local session will focus on Edo-style sushi and vinegar, something which has been noted for its health benefits. |
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特別分科会 Special Session |
黒澤明監督の初監督作品『姿三四郎』の舞台が、当時そのままの風景で残る地で、黒澤明をテーマにした分科会を行ないます。 Akira Kurosawa will be the theme of the local session. The site unchanged since it was the setting for the director’s first movie, ‘Sugata Sanshiro’. |
常滑 Tokoname |
「世界に開く焼き物の街」 道などに常滑焼きを埋め込んだ「やきものの散歩道」や「タイル博物館」のある古いやきものの歴史を持つ街常滑。中部国際空港セントレアの開港で新しい日本の玄関口となり、ますます豊かな文化を築いて行きます。 A city with a worldwide reputation for ceramics The town of Tokoname has a long history in ceramics and this can be seen in the Museum and the ‘Ceramic Promenade’The new Central Japan International irport, Centrair, has transformed Tokoname into an entrance hall to Japan and has enriched the town’s culture. |
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豊田 Toyota |
「トヨタ自動車と自然・歴史の生きる街」 自動車の街、豊田ではトヨタ自動車の工場やミュージアムの見学の他、矢作川や森の豊かな自然を体験して頂きます。 A town of automobiles, nature and rich history In this town of automobiles we will visit the Toyota factory and museum as well as experience the rich nature of the Yahagi River and surrounding forests. |
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津島 Tsushima |
「お寺での仏教体験や茶道体験」 京都よりも社寺の数が多く喫茶文化が盛んな街、津島ではお寺での仏教体験や、茶道をテーマに日本人の精神を探る分科会を行ないます。 Experience Buddhism and the way of tea Tsushima has even more temples and shrines than Kyoto and also has a rich tea culture. The aim of the local session here is to gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese spirit through visiting temples, where you can learn about Buddhism, and through experiencing the tea ceremony. |
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田原 Tahara |
「風がつくる技術と文化?風土に根ざした木造建築」 渥美半島の中腹にあり風が強い街、田原ではその風を利用したサーフィンや喧嘩凧、風力発電の他、強風に耐えうるよう独特の工法の木造建築がある。風土に根ざしたその木造建築をテーマに分科会を行ないます。 Adapting to a climate of strong wind Tahara has a windy location on the Atsumi peninsula but people here make good use of the winds through surfing, kite flying and wind generated electricity. The special techniques used to build the wooden architecture here help it withstand the strong winds. The local session here will focus on this unique architecture. |
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岐阜県 Gifu |
美濃 Mino |
「陶芸と和紙づくり体験」 この分科会では陶芸家の工房での美濃焼づくりの他、美濃和紙の里会館での和紙づくりなど、古い歴史を持つ伝統技術を体験することができます。 Experience the making of Japanese ceramics and paper In Mino we will visit a family run workshop where they make Mino ceramics (Minoyaki), and at the MINO-WASHI Museum we will see the making of traditional Japanese paper. A visit to this town will give you an insight into the history of Japan through experiencing the traditional technology used in making these handicrafts. |
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高山 Takayama |
「歴史息づく街並と伝統産業」 歴史的な美しい家々と、伝統工芸が息づく高山では、情緒ある街並を散策して頂いたり、豪華な山車の見学や工芸体験など、日本の伝統を堪能していただきます。 Breathe in history as you walk along the streets of this town famous for traditional handicrafts In Takayama, a town of beautiful historic houses and traditional handicrafts, you can get a good insight into Japanese traditions through wondering around the atmospheric streets, seeing magnificent festival floats and experiencing the making of handicrafts. |
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三重県 Mie |
伊賀 Iga |
「忍者と俳句の里」 山々に囲まれた街伊賀は伊賀忍者の里であり、松尾芭蕉の故里でもあります。ここではアメリカでも有名なNinjaやHaikuをテーマに分科会を行ないます。 Birthplace of the Ninja and the Haiku Iga, a town surrounded by mountains, is the birthplace of the ninja as well as of Matsuo Basho, the famous poet. Ninja and haiku, both well-known in America as well as Japan, will be the topics of the local session here. |
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